Thursday, September 25, 2008

Mary and Martha

I love it when my house is clean and orderly. When the beds are made, the furniture is dusted, and the dust bunnies have been vacuumed, a certain sense of “okayness” dwells within…within me and within my home. Add the fragrant scent of vanilla or cinnamon, and I feel inclined to relax, ponder, meditate, read, and in general, just de-stress. Add the aroma of some scrumptious goodies wafting from the kitchen, and it’s almost like heaven around here On the other hand, if there is clutter and confusion, then that’s how my mind and spirit feel: cluttered and confused. I feel restless, ill-at-ease, and jumpy. Unable to concentrate or find that inner stillness, I find myself jumping up to straighten, putter, and organize. I have a lot of Martha in me.

At the same time, I manage to find time each day to dip into the scriptures or some other spiritual readings. This morning I read an uplifting article in the Ensign about visiting teaching that gave me pause for thought. Throughout the day, I send up a few of what my friend Carol calls “sparrow prayers” in addition to the morning, evening, and mealtime prayers. I do my best to count my blessings, think charitable thoughts towards even the most trying of people (hard one), and demonstrate kindness and fairness. Do I fall short? As another friend, Shirley, would say, “You betcha.” Still, I try. I have some Mary in me too.

When I think of those two verses in Luke in which Christ is gently chastising Martha for being so busily involved in domestic activities and reminding her of the “better part,” I like to think that He’s reminding women everywhere of their priorities. We are spiritual beings having a physical experience, and He wants us to keep that in mind and to always seek to follow Him. At the same time, we live in the world, and that requires a certain amount of meal preparation, organization, and cleanliness.

I guess the key is in finding balance. Sometimes I’ve found that the very acts involved in “homecaring” can be soulful activities. As I’m putting my house in order, my mind and heart become calmer, more at peace.


Connie said...

Awwwwwwww...your words here always give me a sense of calm.

jeans said...

I was in a bookstore near Easter when a book practically jumped off the shelf into my hands. By Joanna Weaver, title: Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World. I really enjoyed it & it gave me some new ways to think about their story. Their stories, actually, since the Lazarus story is like Part 2 of the Mary/Martha story, in which we see that the earlier episode has changed them both in interesting ways. Anyway, just wanted to say I liked that book. Love your blog, I just stumbled on it. Nice!

Jayne said...

Connie, Just so you'll know, anyone who walks into your home know that both Mary and Martha live there. It's always clean, orderly, and "holy."

Jayne said...

Jeans, Thanks for visiting my blog and making a comment. And thanks too for this book recommendation; I'll have to check it out.

Putz said...

you do know don't you that mary had a martha heart at times and martha had a mary heart at times