Tuesday, April 14, 2009

What's Her Name?

What’s her name? You know, the woman who was married to Job? The one who had ten children and lost them all when a wind came out of the wilderness and blew down the house in which they were eating and drinking? The one who lost everything at the same time that her well-known, “perfect and upright” husband did. The one who must’ve hurt deeply to have said, “Curse God, and die.” The one who watched as day after day her husband and his “friends” sat pondering the meaning of it all. Even his friends had names, but not her.

Job’s suffering continues and gets to the point that he says his soul is weary of life. Where is she? Even after being covered with boils and having his friends doubt his goodness, Job vows that, “till I die I will not remove mine integrity from me.” Where is she? I know a woman’s place was much different at this time and place, but still this is a woman who has given birth to seven sons and three daughters who are now dead because of a bet (?) between God and Satan. This unnamed woman must have grieved mightily.

As we know, Job’s fortune is restored twofold, and his wife has ten more children. After giving birth to twenty children, she still goes unnamed. I don’t know why this bothers me, but it does. Can anyone in Blogland offer any insight?


Putz said...

you are right, she does go un named and it is probably because she was in on the scoffing...most of my hero women are the stalwarts while the men are lacking in spirituallity....smelly, uncouth, but this unamed did go through the same os job so maybe i am misjudging her

Anonymous said...

Again Putz, thanks for commenting on this blog. About her scoffing, you could be right about that being the reason she was unnamed. However, it still bothers me when I think of how she gave birth to TWENTY children, ten of whom died.