Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Ruth's Loyalty

I succumbed to the gentle but persistent pressure of some of my work cronies and established a facebook account last night. I’m a little overwhelmed with the maintenance and management of it, but I’m sure that sooner or later I’ll figure it out. The potential for communicating and networking is phenomenal. I learned this morning that you can play chess, scrabble, and checkers with other like-minded folks. Plus, I discovered that you can take all sorts of tests that promise to reveal interesting things about yourself.

In fact, the purpose of this post is to reveal the outcome of a short test I took on facebook last night. A “friend” had a test on her site entitled something like, “Which Woman of the Bible Are You Most Like?” Feeling experimental, I took the test. I answered the few questions honestly, and it turns out that I’m the most like Ruth. While I like Ruth and have always admired her loyalty to Naomi and her willingness to work hard, I was frankly hoping to be like…guess who? Yes, Esther. I want to be brave and valiant and fight for my people and for “the right” regardless of the consequences. I want to say fearlessly, “If I perish, I perish,” and then go on and do what needs to be done. I want to have faith that things will work out just fine. I want to always remember that I’m just like Esther, a woman who’s fulfilling her destiny in her own little sphere at “such a time as this.”

That said, Ruth sure was a phenomenal woman too. I don’t think I’d have been gutsy enough to stay in a strange land after my husband died. And then to take my mother-in-law’s advice about Boaz? Hmmm. I’m not so sure about that. But Ruth did, and she’s worthy of great respect and imitation. After all, Ruth is in the genealogy of Christ.

The real purpose of this post is so that I could get one more post in about Esther (for Connie). Oh, and if anyone reading this is a facebook regular, please take the test and let me know which woman in the Bible you’re most like.


Connie said...

Darling Jayne, you may post as many Esther stories that you desire and I will read them ALL!!!
I'm off to take the test and I won't gloat if I am Esther LOL

Connie said...

P.S. "Putz" has visited my blog on your recommendation :) I guess I will go visit him now!

Jayne said...

Oh good! He's quite an interesting guy. By the way, which woman are you most like?

Connie said...


Christy Peake said...

Glad to see you on Facebook. You'll get the hang of it!