Monday, June 1, 2009

Eve, Rachel, or Sarah???

This is going to be a short one. Really, it is. I'm not sharp enough to go on and on with a lengthy post tonight. I simply want to say that as much as I admire the women of the Bible, I KNOW that Heavenly Father knew what He was doing when He sent me to live in this particular dispensation of time on the American continent. I like air conditioning, cars, iced lemonade, computers, and microwaves. And even though I'm not a classic feminist, I do like knowing that I don't have to go and do whatever my man tells me to do. I wouldn't have made a very good Sarah (a.k.a. Sarai) who followed Abraham all over creation and even lived in a couple of harems because her husband told her to. I wouldn't have made a very good Hagar either. I want to be #1 Wife, not a surrogate mother banished from the household. And Eve...even now people berate her for her "foolish" choice. Personally speaking, I'm glad she ate of the tree of knowledge. Otherwise she and Adam might never have left Eden and started a family: our family. I was thinking of the beautiful Rachel earlier today. Although Jacob loved her dearly, there was Leah always just ahead of her as first wife and mother of six sons. And speaking of childbearing, it's not easy in the best of situations, but in the desert without medication or official doctors...I can't even imagine it. Dont want to either.

As I think of the other women, at the moment I can't single out even one that I'd rather trade places with. How about you?

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